Sunday, 23 August 2015

Paws for coffee - Auckland cafes for dog owners

Judge No 1 - Mind that Latte Lucy  
Auckland's Metro top 50 might be a good reference for the next great cafe to check out but if you're a dog owner, this doesn't always work - there are slightly different criteria.
  • Is there good outdoor seating? (need a respectable space for dogs and owners to hang out - preferably with a rain option!)
  • Is there a water bowl for thirsty canines? (and are the staff nice to dog owners)
  • Is it close to any good parks or on a good walking route?
  • And the obvious, there's really good coffee. And probably great brunch.
For you dog owning Aucklanders, our furry friends have done their utmost to bring you our top picks which may have a slight Ponsonby neighbourhood walking bias. (but then again, we think some of Auckland's best cafe's are here anyways!)

For non Aucklanders, I hope the pictures go some way to showing how much we enjoy our coffee going pastime - no weekend would be the same without it.

Judge No 2 -Ruby Dooby Doo (do dogs smile?!!) I think she just got a big pat from a passer by.
4 Paws:
Dizengoff - 256 Ponsonby Rd - our Ponsonby local.  An institution.  It has stood the test of time and turns into Ponsonby's dog central on the weekends. The coffee is great and I can never go past the 1/2 eggs 1/2 creamy mushrooms for brunch.
Little and Friday - 2 great locations:  One is right around the corner from us on Douglas St in Ponsonby which is where Good One used to be.  How fab is that!  The original one on Eversleigh Rd, North Shore is still worth checking out. Everyone is happy here, dogs, kids, donut eating adults. 
Dear Jervois - 234 Jervois Rd - a nice Herne Bay walk along Jervois Rd gets you here and ticks all the boxes
Dear Jervois - stay away from that scone
Bambina - 268 Ponsonby Rd - Another Ponsonby Rd institution. They don't seem to make the Metro Top 50 these days so not sure what they do to tick off the judges but the crowds of people speak for themselves
Queenies - cnr Cascade and Middle Sts, Freeman's Bay. Awesome brunch, quirky out of the way location and great outdoor area.
Olaf's - 1 Stokes Rd, Mt Eden - dangerous place for gluten lovers.  I find it very hard not to walk away with fig and fennel sourdough, pain complet bread and any manner of pastries over and above brunch and coffee.
Jam - 33-45 Hurstmere Rd, Takapuna - top location in Takapuna and great cafe.  It's right on the edge of the town centre park so heaps of seating, lots of friendly dogs, and really good food.
no one can get past without a pat
Odette's - Shed 5 City Works Depot 90 Wellesley St - very funky industrial fit out in Wellesley St.  Great outdoor space.
Mary's - 13 St Mary's Rd, Ponsonby - best recent addition to Ponsonby. Great outside courtyard for paws and the hospitality is fantastic.
Bread and Butter bakery - the Grey Lynn one beside Farro on 34 Westmoreland St.  Great outdoor area.
Takapuna Beach Cafe - 22 The Promenade, Takapuna -great spot, great view, always good, and always dog friendly.
Cafe on Kohi - 237 Tamaki Drive, Kohimarama - a bit more of a hike for us, but when we catch up with Felix at the beach its the place to go.

3.5 Paws:
Petite Bocal - 177 Sandringham Rd, Sandringham - if this place had better outdoor seating it would be top of the list.  The Croque Monsieur is fabulous. There are a couple of tables outside. 
Ripe - 172 Richmond Rd, Grey Lynn - this is usually part of our favourite Saturday morning walk.  Recyclable plates and cups only so no 4 paws, but if you're OK with that it's a pretty cool, busy hangout, great outdoor seating and the food selection is amazing.

2 paws:
Il Forno - 55 Mackelvie St, Ponsonby - still a favourite coffee place and the chocolate almond croissants are yum, but alas no outdoor seating.  This is where we grab our take away coffee and croissant if we're off for a beach walk.

Happy coffee drinking and dog walking!

Chilling out at Little and Friday

Did anyone see a cat?!

Cool new place - Odette's - with plenty of outdoor space

Little and Friday and their famous donuts have made it to Douglas St in Ponsonby!  Yay!

Ok. It's not always about the coffee.  Ice cream outings are great too.

Sometimes an Il Forno takeaway coffee is best - it means we can get away to the beach.

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Odds and Ends

Christmas and Easter have both come and gone and summer has turned to autumn since my last blog.
Work hard, play hard is a good rule to live by, but it's all flying by a bit fast at the moment. Alas, despite all my good blog intentions these 34 pictures from Christmas, New Years, Pinot Day, Queenstown, and bits and pieces, will have to tell the story of our adventures over the last few months - we've really had a good time with family and friends - can't be too bad then, can it?!

Christmas in Arizona

Made it to the Grand Canyon at last. Cold but awesome.....
The location of our Arizona family Christmas
A hungry family waiting for a table 

Ok. not your typical family Christmas dinner, but yummo.......!

a challenge we all accepted! and terra cotta are the colors of the day for the Mora's in Sedona. 
yep. Arizona's wild west.

happy patrons - mom and dad at the superstition saloon

fantastic - dig into those onion rings

no trip to Arizona is complete without a visit to the outlet malls

Underground at the Titan Missile Museum 

And a genuine crew commander at the controls - we were lucky to have him on our tour

New Years in New Orleans

We watched the fireworks from the banks of the Mississippi. 
Bourbon St - NOLA knows how to party - lots of crazy people!

It's all about the sauce - Tabasco and Crystal are on every table

Caught in the act at Cafe du Monde having a beignet

It's all about the music - Jazz on Frenchman Street

Pinot Noir Day - Curt's 2006 vintage 
at our place
Another great tasting - 2006 Pinot's were great.  Even Lucy was in on the action

Two great Pinot mates

Easter in Queenstown
Spectacular Rippon winery on lake Wanaka

The famous Felton Road sign

Other bits and pieces

Waiheke sculpture festival - another beautiful day on the Gulf

Man and dog

At the Mount with their Airedale cousin, about to get a treat from the owner of Tay St coffee Shop

Ruby enjoying the view

Al and the girls having fun at the beach 

Great sign in New Orleans
RIP Uncle Alfie - lost a great family member 6 April - farewell